Walmart Luminate Insights Activation Tool: A Step Forward or Just a Quick Fix to Ease the WMC-Luminate Disconnect?

Chad Bingle

Posted by Chad Bingle

October 18, 2024 at 1:20 PM

Walmart Luminate Insights Activation Tool: A Step Forward or Just a Quick Fix to Ease the WMC-Luminate Disconnect?

If you’ve worked with Walmart Connect (WMC), you know the pain of the WMC and Luminate disconnect. Brands have been eagerly waiting for a bridge between the two—a way to link data at the customer ID level so we can build actionable insights and measure campaign impact, all in one streamlined loop.

In early October, Walmart rolled out Insights Activation in Luminate, and it could finally be that missing piece if it connects the two systems at the ID level. In theory, this would mean full control over audience creation and measurement. That’s the missing link needed to really unlock that elusive “insights-to-action” flywheel.

But here's the thing: I’m not convinced it’s quite there. From what I can tell, Insights Activation is more of a cosmetic fix than a real solution. Here’s why:

  1. Where’s the Post-Campaign Insight?
    Walmart’s teaser video highlights easier targeting and time savings but sidesteps any mention of behavioral measurement or post-campaign insights. If this were the game-changing integration we’ve been waiting for, you’d expect impact measurement to be front and center.
  2. No Real Audience Control
    The new tool leans on “smart recommendations” rather than giving brands control to import and manage their own Luminate audiences. This suggests that, rather than providing a precise ID-level match, it’s just telling WMC, “Make an audience kind of like this.” That’s a workaround—not a true solution.

Put simply, I don’t think we’re getting the 1:1 audience connection between Luminate and WMC that would enable true targeting precision. If Luminate pointed to a specific list of user IDs and told WMC, “Target these,” that would be the news to celebrate. But it seems like we’re still dealing with a translation layer instead of actual integration.

So, while this update might make it easier for teams with less data-savvy to get some value from Luminate, it doesn’t fully address the root issue. Sure, it’s helpful—but it doesn’t really fix the disconnect.

Until we see customer definitions truly aligned across WMC and Luminate, the Walmart media experience will continue to dangle potential without delivering on it.

Bridging the WMC-Luminate Gap: Maximizing Insights Until True Integration Arrives

While Walmart’s new Insights Activation tool might not fully bridge the WMC-Luminate disconnect, there are still ways to get closer to those actionable insights. You can start gathering measurable insights and meaningful data on audience behavior by setting up test and control audiences in Luminate that align with your WMC campaigns. Here’s how to set up and optimize test + control audiences effectively:

  1. Define Your Audience Segments in Luminate
    Start by identifying the audience segments that matter most to your brand strategy. Think beyond one-time campaigns—focus on strategic segments you’ll want to track and optimize across multiple campaigns. Examples might include loyalists, new category entrants, or customers who switched from a competitor.

  2. Set Up Test & Control Store Groups
    To isolate and accurately measure the effects of your media, it’s crucial to create test and control groups in Luminate. Set up test stores where you’ll activate media and separate control stores where no media will be run. Make sure your test and control groups are as comparable as possible in terms of store demographics and HH composition. A common split is about 10% for control stores.

  3. Align Your Media Campaigns with Luminate Audiences
    Ensure your media targeting in WMC matches the test stores and audiences you set up in Luminate. This alignment will allow you to measure audience engagement and conversion across both platforms more effectively. Be consistent with targeting attributes—if you focus on specific behaviors or demographics in Luminate, reflect those in WMC.

  4. Monitor & Optimize in Real-Time
    Don’t wait until the campaign wraps to measure impact. Luminate’s weekly reporting can provide valuable, in-campaign insights. Monitor shifts in loyalty, engagement, and purchase behaviors during your campaign to spot early optimization opportunities. For instance, if certain stores or segments are underperforming, you might consider reallocating spend or refining your creative message.

  5. Post-Campaign Analysis: Measure Lift and Trends
    After the campaign, dive into more than just sales lift. Use Luminate to assess audience lift, loyalty shifts, and category benchmarks. Look for patterns that extend beyond individual campaigns—measuring long-term impact can guide future media strategies. Breaking down insights by region, demographic, or other key factors can also highlight areas for improvement in future efforts.

By setting up these test and control groups and rigorously tracking their performance, you can start tapping into the insights you need—even if the full WMC-Luminate integration isn’t here yet.


Ready to get the most out of Walmart Luminate?  Let's talk!